706 638-4611
Pigeon Mountain Crossing is a non-denominational Christian camp and retreat center. Our desire is to facilitate fun while lifting up the name of Christ. Our facility offers a large meeting room, dining hall, cabins, recreational field, 12 acre lake, miles of hiking trails and lots of God's nature.
In September of 2012, the 80 acres now known as Pigeon Mountain Crossing was purchased by the Tinney family as an answer to prayer. God's divine hand was in all of the details from the land being available to the financing being possible, and the adventure began. First we would need a meeting building for God's name to be praised. While preparing the building site it became apparent that because of the lay of the land, our one story meeting building needed to be a two story building with twice the space. Wow, God even prepared the slope of the land to direct the size of the buildings. This building was completed and we hosted our first event on October 26, 2013.
Our next project was to complete a cabin for groups to sleep in. Our first bunkhouse was completed in July of 2014. With this first bunkhouse we now have our first 80 beds at Pigeon Mountain Crossing and foundations for 2 more bunkhouses to be completed as God provides funding.

We offer a natural setting away from the busyness of everyday life for folks to build and strengthen their relationships with God and one another as they play and worship together. Our prayer is for Pigeon Mountain Crossing visitors to leave equipped with a better knowledge of and stronger walk with Jesus.